Glenn Coin

Glenn Coin

Adjunct Instructor

Reilly Hall 240
1419 Salt Springs Road
Syracuse, NY 13214


(315) 445-4100


Veteran journalist and journalism instructor Glenn Coin has served as faculty adviser to The Dolphin since 2013. Coin has been a professional journalist for more than 30 years in California, Michigan and New York. He has written about politics, higher education and Native American issues for The Post-Standard in Syracuse since 1995. He now covers science, environment and weather for Central New York’s largest media organization, Syracuse Media Group, which publishes The Post-Standard and Coin has taught journalism for 15 years, first at Utica College and since 2012 at Le Moyne, where he has taught Media Writing, Reporting and Writing, and Environmental Politics. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Michigan State University and two master’s degrees from Syracuse University: one in newspapers from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and one in Public Administration from The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.

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